Completed Deals Press Release - July 2020
Pace Properties is pleased to announce the following completed commercial real estate deals for July 2020:
1. Pace Properties represented Total Access in the purchase of a 6,556 square foot retail building at
8213 Delmar Blvd in University City, MO from Alice Anheuser Beims Moore #2 Trust.
2. Pace Properties represented Duggins Holdings LLC in the purchase of a 6,200 square foot building at
1399 Lonedell Rd in Arnold, MO from George Enterprises.
3. Pace Properties represented Special Inspection Services, Inc. in the lease of 3,300 square feet of
industrial space at 148 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd in Chesterfield, MO from Pine Brook Properties.
4. Pace Properties represented Maple Tree LLC in the lease of 2,700 square feet of retail space at
Maple Tree Center in Ellisville, MO to Clarkson Eyecare.
5. Pace Properties represented Sky Marketing in the lease of 1,384 square feet of industrial space at
1099 Milwaukee Ave in St Louis, MO from 1099 Milwaukee.
6. Pace Properties represented Crow Holdings in the lease renewal of 1,200 square feet of retail space
at Sappington Square in Crestwood, MO to Edward Jones.